Photo Save the Dates

Save the dates with a photo add a personal touch that you don't find with non-photo save the dates, which only use text. By including a picture of you and your fiancée, recipients are instantly aware of who is getting married and it helps ensure that the mail isn't overlooked. When couples order photo magnet save the dates, your guests will often display them on their refrigerator so your photo can serve as both a picture of you as a couple and a reminder of your wedding date.

While the image is the centerpiece of a photo save the date, there are a variety of styles, designs, and fonts to choose from which provide the surrounding framework for your wedding details such as names, date, and venue. You'll also see some templates that are designed for horizontal photos while others are better suited for vertical snapshots. There are even templates for using multiple photos. But don't worry if your photo isn't the exact same dimensions as the examples you see on the templates; most designs will allow you to crop your photo after you upload it.

In the age of Instagram and millions of digital photos taken every day, it's a nice change of pace to send your wedding guests an old-fashioned print that they can have and hold.